Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Not long at all.

I figured that you would last at least a month since our talk but I should have known better. You actually lasted a little more than a week. I guess you had to use up what little minutes you had left in your account. Brought yourself down to 1 minute remaining.

You are working a night shift now so plenty of unspoiled uninterrupted time during the day while I'm at work. And I guess these past two days you have been taking FULL advantage. Although I guess the 1 minute wasn't good enough. I just checked and you have 97 f^cking minutes left to use!!! WTF???

I checked your bank statement - not seeing it there. I also noticed there were videos viewed on Friday. I don't remember did you come home early on that day or did you purchase and view when you were out with your friend?

Maybe you got smart and bought a gift card from a store and that's how you purchased. I guess smart on your part. I'll never actually "see" the charge on your bank statement. And of course no toilet paper wads left in the waste basket.

I kind of figured the anal I gave to you would have been "dirty" enough for you... but I guess not. You just can't resist the temptation. Boy I love you.

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